Final fantasy x guia 100. Nov 22, 2019 路 Guía Oficial del Final Fantasy X.

Final fantasy x guia 100 Nodos disponibles Parámetros al máximo de personajes. This section of the strategy guide is intended to be used when you’ve reached the end game content for Final Fantasy X. Explico en PROFUNDIDAD las BASES del BLITZBALL en lo que hacemos el primer partido del juego y presenciamos la invasión de Luca. Esferas con valores +4 y +40 Composición del tablero. El anciano que veras allí la primera vez que entres te pedirá ayuda pa - Tema El Bestiario de Catástrofe en el foro de Guia Final Sep 20, 2015 路 This newer release of Final Fantasy X and X-2 differ noticeably from the originals. patreon. The guide i was using called the Crimson sphere the Akagi Sphere since it is the Japanese name. com/playlist?list=PL9tz89RM2VHs2rgKEFqNAeWZVcI86X3lISUBSCRIBETE 馃憠馃憠 https://www. It's hands-down my favourite title in the series, and while it has its detractors I feel it has more than enough in terms of enjoyment and progression to feel like a true adventure. You still only have 83% vs Dark Bahamut, 71% against Dark Yojimbo and nothing against Dark Mindy. Final Fantasy X, initially released in 2001, saw a high definition (HD) remaster in 2014. 100% Final Fantasy® Spira’s every secret, every side-quest and every mini-game is uncovered in this 238-page official encyclopaedia. 0. Jun 20, 2016 路 Bem vindos ao meu guia brazuca de Final Fantasy X para PS2, PS3 e PC. En algunas batallas verás un cofre que puede contener un objeto, o no, si el cofre está vacío se transformará en un Mímico. Im worried that some guides may be missing something so is there a guide that any of you guys used so I can do this in as little playthroughs as possible. Hello, After years I want to play that wonderful game again, bought Zodiac Age and I want to take my time and maybe play with guide to get every treasure, every quest, every monster etc. A Place to Call Home - And discuss all things Final Fantasy, from the games, to the movies, to fanart and cosplay and beyond. Jan 20, 2008 路 ----- Nombre del Aeon HP Items ----- Valefor 10,000 Lightning Gem x4, Speed Sphere x 4 Ifrit 20,000 X-Potion x 30, Mana Sphere x 5 Ixion 40,000 Chocobo Feather x 10, Power Sphere x 8 Shiva 30,000 Mega-Potion x 60, Star Curtain x 6 Bahamut 40,000 Flower Scepter, Mana Sphere x 8 Yojimbo 20,000 Shadow Gem x 8, Power Sphere x 10 Anima 50,000 Mushroom Rock Road was very difficult to get through without escaping and not using any summons. It was the first in the series to move away from static sprites or pre-rendered graphics, presenting the entire game in a real-time 3D environment. The guide also features complete abilities lists for all 17 dresspheres and special dresspheres. I am going to skip all the Jun 20, 2016 路 Portanto, se estiver extremamente difícil de vencê-lo, mesmo usando este guia, carregue o último jogo salvo para retornar à região anterior para aprimorar seus heróis. Recuerda el consejo que recibiste en el Río de la Luna, usa la habilidad robar, no arrebatar, porque los cofres no tienen vit - Tema Como conseguir guiles en el foro de Guia Nov 22, 2019 路 Guía Oficial del Final Fantasy X. Nodos necesarios Composición del tablero. Aquí encontrarás partidas completas, w Continuamos con la serie de Final Fantasy X en su versión HD Remaster para PlayStation 4. Apr 21, 2014 路 Here is a great guide for getting 100%. Start tracking progress. Any sidequests will be linked to at the point where they become available in the walkthrough, with this guide following the linear nature of the game. Bienvenidos a mi serie completa de Final Fantasy VII Rebirth en PC a máxima calidad gráfica. That said, I also recommend: GameFAQs: Final Fantasy X-2 (PS2) FAQ/Walkthrough by Split Infinity Sep 26, 2020 路 Final Fantasy X-2 100% Checklist This is a guide specifically made to help people get a perfect file in a single playthrough. 5, 17KB, 2004. Para conseguir esferas de des - Tema Desarrollo de personajes al máximo en el Dec 17, 2023 路 Lists/Reference Enemy List. Mega Elixir: Restaura el HP y el MP de todos los personajes. PS2 PS3 PSVita +9. Aug 8, 2024 路 Te dejamos la guía completa de Final Fantasy X HD para que puedas completar el juego al 100% Final Fantasy X está repleto de aventuras y de una gran historia que nos conmoverá. gl/izJQ3s Support Dansg08 on Patreon: www. I figure that this guide will be better as it will have English names and correct translations. It's kinda rose-colored, right? First in the sea, then it spreads to the sky, then to the whole city. youtube. May 13, 2015 路 Final Fantasy X ya está aquí y como no podía ser de otro modo, os hemos preparado una completa guía. Final Fantasy X-2 100% Guide Hey whats going? This guide is going to help you get 100% on FFX-2. The world of Spira may have changed, but we are with you every step of the way! The guide contains the following: A 100% completion walkthrough - Get all those tiny details right without having to completely restart your game! May 12, 2016 路 Final Fantasy X-2: International + Last Mission Guides. Neste guia, diferente de outros, não vou criar uma seção de básicos. The BradyGames' Final Fantasy X-2 Official Strategy Guide Didn't Even Exist Back Then. La guía está planteada para ofrecer toda la información sobre aquellos campos en l Yuna is called on once again to protect the world she loves. Talvez, você queira até conseguir 300 mil para liquidar o chefão com apenas três ataques. Mar 14, 2014 路 Subscribe - https://goo. Players can experience the adventure on the go using the portable console and follow the tales of Tidus and Yuna as they combat an unholy entity known as Sin. com/cha Apr 16, 2019 路 Final Fantasy X-2: International + Last Mission Guides. Members Online Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Achieves Sales Milestone in Germany Aug 22, 2016 路 ¡¡Bienvenid@ a mi guía documentada de información útil del Final Fantasy X!! (^_^) En esta guía he intentado recopilar toda la información que he ido almacenando durante años de experiencia jugando a esta impresionante entrega. Final Fantasy X is Squaresoft's tenth installment in the Final Fantasy series. by Krazyass duck Updated on May 5, 2004. Recomiendo bastante esta guía, es muy muy útil. gamefaqs. 3 Bienvenidos a mi serie completa de Final Fantasy VII Rebirth en PC a máxima calidad gráfica. Please be as patient as possible. Antidote: Quita el veneno. Al acercarte, las rocas se separarán para dejar paso a la Invocadora. Apr 8, 2014 路 GameFAQs: Final Fantasy X-2 (PS2) 100% Story Level Completion Guide by Kouli For what it is worth, the above guide is the one I used over a decade ago on the PS2 version, and I got 100% in one run game save clear thingy, no NG+. Final Fantasy X HD is one half of the X/X-2 HD Remaster of games released over a decade ago on the PS2. Jul 15, 2007 路 For Final Fantasy X on the PlayStation 2, Guide and Walkthrough by A_I_e_x. It marked a few key milestones for the venerable Final Fantasy series. This table is good if you don't want to read through the whole walkthrough and just want to know the important steps. La adaptación es algo libre, pudiendo tener variaciones con respecto al texto original, para hacer más amena la lectura y arreglar posibles errores de traducción. pdf) or read book online for free. Mar 18, 2014 路 Final Fantasy X-2: International + Last Mission Guides. Guia Final Fantasy X castellano Desarrollada para Final Fantasy Maniacs por Kta y Zetzer a partir de la versión americana y japonesa del FFX. Phoenix Down: Devuelva la vida a una persona. Covering all Materia, Bosses, Limit Breaks and a walkthrough for the entire game. En este vídeo realizaremos la prueba del último templo del juego, el T Jan 6, 2024 路 Recorremos al 100% el LAGO DE MACALANIA consiguiendo todos los cofres, hablamos con Clasko, Oaka y Rin, además de mostraros un par de armas útiles, luchamos May 29, 2002 路 Una guía indispensable para exprimir Final Fantasy X al máximo, explica como conseguir las armas secretas, los emblemas, como luchar contra los jefes, los mapas con los cofres, está prácticamente todo. Nov 13, 2018 路 Seguimos con la serie de Final Fantasy X en su versión HD Remaster para PlayStation 4. Il suit le fil du jeu en incluant tous les détails qui rendront votre partie plus intéressante. En este vídeo manejaremos a Yuna en vez de a Tidus, y tendremos que 30) Final Preparations and End Game Side Quests A list of side quests and hidden items that you can find in Final Fantasy X if you wish to explore some of the end game content. 85 luck - Can hit Penance with 100% accuracy unboosted. See full list on ign. May 19, 2016 路 Full guide for Final Fantasy X, Achievements, Ultimate Weapons, Airship codes, Aeons, Overdrives, Treasures and of course blitzball. Nov 4, 2019 路 Final Fantasy XIII uses a "Datalog" system, which records entries as you play through the game, which can be missed by not triggering certain scenes, or, in the case of Enemy Intel (bestiary), by not meeting the monster in question. Gagazet entrance HP: Varies* (Overkill: 2500) Ronso Rage: Fire Breath, Stone Breath, Aqua Breath, White Wind MP: 200 AP: 4500 Guia del Juego Enemigos Final del Mar HP: 80000 (Overkill: 15000) MP: 999 Más enemigos y monstruos del Final Fantasy X. . En este vídeo nos adentraremos en la Cueva del Barranco, conocida c Apr 16, 2019 路 Final Fantasy X-2: International + Last Mission Guides. Songstress requires the Magical Dances from Chapter 5. May 6, 2014 路 This newer release of Final Fantasy X and X-2 differ noticeably from the originals. pdf - Free ebook download as PDF File (. Aquí encontrarás partidas completas, w Seguimos con la serie de Final Fantasy X en su versión HD Remaster para PlayStation 4. Cependant, tout ce qui a trait aux quêtes annexes, mini-jeux etc est disponible dans des sections dédiés. GIL 100 STEAL N/A BRIBE N/A DROP Ability Sphere FIRE DAMAGE N/A ICE DAMAGE N/A THUNDER DAMAGE N/A WATER DAMAGE N/A HOLY DAMAGE N/A May 12, 2016 路 Final Fantasy X-2: International + Last Mission Guides. Dirígete hacia allí y actívala para grabar tu partida. Boost. Can you beat a Final Fantasy X Hardcore Nuslocke?! Welcome to a NEW Ultimate FFX Challenge! Join me on this epic journey through Spira as I embark on a HARDC 馃幃 Bienvenido a AGTV 馃幃El rincón ideal para disfrutar de gameplays en alta calidad, sin interrupciones ni comentarios. Final Fantasy X was Tidus’s story; X-2 is Yuna’s. No te quedes atascado y acábate el juego al 100% sin ningún problema. Additionally, these are based off the international releases, made just after their original releases - basically, they're expansions of the originals, but still were released on Apr 12, 2005 路 Due to school and work I have very little time to answer e-mails, let alone as many as a Final Fantasy FAQ draws. Mar 2, 2023 路 Final Fantasy X Guide. Oct 28, 2024 路 The following tables are a simple overview of needed missions or story events needed in order to obtain 100% completion and allow the perfect ending scene to be viewed at the end of the game. Final Fantasy X-2 takes place three years after the end of Final Fantasy X. Many of the strongest enemies and bosses in the game will require you to completely level your characters through their Sphere Grids. ta o Irvine. Fiends, Spirans, countrymen, lend me your ears; I welcome you all to Apoqliphoth's walkthrough for the frankly stellar Final Fantasy X. Neste documento você encontrará todas as informações necessárias para emergir triunfante nesta épica aventura, confrontando as mais diversas criaturas do universo utópico de Spira. Esta version remasterizada y mejorada ha sabido cuidar con mimo todos y cada uno de los detalles del juego original, mejorandolos y o solo en el aspecto fisico sino creando una Oct 23, 2022 路 Win a blitzball match in FINAL FANTASY X I won't get too much into "fielding the best team", but I'll give a few tips regarding a serviceable team. En esta guía completa al 100%, exploraremos todos los secreto Final Fantasy X is one of those classic games, as it was one of the first fully-voiced titles when it debuted on the Playstation 2, back in 2001. Jul 29, 2021 路 As far as classic role-playing games go, you can’t get more important than the original Final Fantasy. If there are changes in names from the PS2 version we would appreciate the feedback to ensure 100% accuracy. 35 luck - With boosts, this gives you 100% accuracy against Penance as well as Dark Sandy and Dark Anima. Minimal Investment - This refers to those who only want the overdrives and possibly Sigil and could care less about Blitzball in itself. Use exclusive information from the game’s developers to experience the ultimate game ending. Apr 21, 2014 路 Creature Creator Tutorial: http://www. The world of Spira may have changed, but we are with you every step of the way! The guide contains the following: A 100% completion walkthrough - Get all those tiny details right without having to completely restart your game! Continuamos con la serie de Final Fantasy X en su versión HD Remaster para PlayStation 4. Guía argumental de Final Fantasy X . En este vídeo vuelve a estar conmigo Dai, quien nos hará un repaso a l Continuamos con la serie de Final Fantasy X en su versión HD Remaster para PlayStation 4. Capturable Creature List by Kouli PS2. Eye Drops: Quita el estado ceguera. Después sólo sigue al grupo. Después avanza hasta el tembloroso templo. May 26, 2020 路 Final Fantasy X es posiblemente una de las grandes obras maestras del mundo de los videojuegos, puesto que marco un antes y un despues en la tecnologia de la epoca. Includes guides on Aeons, Celestial Weapons, Al-Bhed Primers and more. com Here we guide you through obtaining each of the different modes. Final Fantasy X (2001) Final Fantasy Series. Panacea: Quita todos los estados alterados. Guia del Juego Enemigos 100 (Overkill: 500) Ronso Rage: N/A Más información sobre los enemigos del Final Fantasy X. The latter is what we're concerned with here for the moment. Jan 19, 2014 路 Introducción Esferas de Parámetros Esferas Supresoras Tablero de Esferas Básico y Avanzado. Colocar esferas Como subir 99 UDs de golpe Esferas de desarrollo. Took 156 hours for my first Final Fantasy However, this is an HD release of a game with an abundance of information for an English version. Anything important or missable is highlighted in this guide, instead of only the 100% requirements or it being 100 pages long. Mar 18, 2014 路 El Bestiario de Catástrofe Hay una salida en la Llanura de la Calma situada al sur que está marcada en el mapa con un cuadrado verde, se trata de la zona de entrenamiento (Img. Sep 6, 2024 路 Make your way to the center room and get ready for the final boss fight. It was also the series’ first entry on the PS2, so players got to see Square’s high-quality performance continue after the Playstation’s entries. They're both HD Remasters of the final fantasy x - la guia de estrategia oficial. Jul 17, 2012 路 Outside Tidus' house, talk to the two girls on the right and the three boys to the left then go straight. A Jul 31, 2021 路 Taking the table above as example, enter the important rooms: Room 1: Chest with Phoenix Down [14/249] Room 2: Empty Room 3: Empty Room 4: Chest with 1045 Gil [15/249] Room 5: Chest with Copper Armlet [16/249] Guia Final fantasy X 2 HD Remaster | Capitulo 1 - El comienzo¡Muy buenas a todos y bienvenidos a Final fantasy X-2 HD Remaster!Comenzaremos hoy con esta seri Nov 13, 2003 路 BradyGames' FINAL FANTASY X-2 Official Strategy Guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough, which shows how to complete every mission and trigger every scene. FINAL FANTASY X-2 Completion Obtain all available FINAL FANTASY X-2 achievements *Includes The Last Mission achievements. Dec 8, 2002 路 For Final Fantasy X on the PlayStation 2, FAQ/Walkthrough (International) by Mogg. Note: Gun Mage does not need all the Blue Bullets. Es un lugar al que recurrirás a menudo si quieres conseguir el 100 % del juego. Read More Cuando es aconsejable: despues de tener a un equipo fuerte, y si lo quieres 100% completo, deberas cumplir un requisito de haber capturado 10 especies de cada lugar de Spira del Bestiario NOTA: No te olvides de extraer la habilidad Resplandor a Ente Omega, ya que de lo contrario no podrás hacerlo hasta cumplir unos requisitos mucho más exigentes. Apr 2, 2023 路 Final Fantasy X is a RPG developed and released by Square Enix for the PlayStation 2 in 2001. May 29, 2002 路 Eliteguias te trae la Guía completa del juego Final Fantasy X. Descubre todos los temas sobre Guia Final Fantasy X: Eones Oscuros + Verdugo Final, El Bestiario de Catástrofe, Ruinas Omega Jun 20, 2016 路 Voltando ao meu lustroso guia, siga para esquerda até encontrar a primeira área com caixas de madeira. Since the defeat of Sin, Yuna has joined a group of sphere hunters with Rikku and a mysterious woman named Paine. Todos y cada uno de los trofeos necesarios para Ici débute le guide de Final Fantasy X. This entry into the series marked a departure from pre-rendered backdrops to embrace 3D backgrounds, distinguishing itself within the Final Fantasy series. This FAQ was created with the purpose of shedding further light on the subject of obtaining one hundred percent within one game. com/dansg08 (100% Platinum Trophy Walkthrough) Full Playlist: http://goo. Aug 21, 2023 路 This walkthrough will take you through all the steps necessary to complete Final Fantasy X. com. Firstly, you can consider the HD graphics of the game to be understood as a change. Walkthrough and guides for Final Fantasy X (FFX, FF10). It gets brighter and brighter, 'till everything glows. v. It should take between 130 and 200 hours to complete. Se prohibe cualquier reproducción total o parcial de ella, asi como modificación, link o impresión para utilizar en cualquier medio sin el expreso consentimiento de K. Aquí tenéis todos los videos d ela Guía al 100% de Final Fantasy X HD Remaster para Nintendo Switch donde complateremos toda las armas, Eones Oscuro y Verdug This is a community for the discussion of role-playing video games developed by Nihon Falcom! They are a Japanese company best known for the **Ys** series and **Trails** series (part of **The Legend of Heroes** series) of video games. Yuna is called on once again to protect the world she loves. In the enemy data tables, Overkill indicates the amount of damage that the killing blow must deal in order to be awarded an Overkill. Ether Tab: Restaura 500 MP. The detailed and complete Secrets chapter will reveal all that there is to encounter in this vast role-playing game. In-Depth Guides. En este vídeo nos adentraremos en la Cueva del Barranco, conocida c Final Fantasy VIII Remastered Guia 100% 馃憠馃憠 https://youtube. Continue indo pela esquerda até avistar uma outra área com caixas. Full game walkthrough for all 34 Trophies in FINAL FANTASY X HD Remaster. Sin Dec 17, 2023 路 Introduction. Discord. How to Achieve 100% Completion in Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remaster | Hello, After years I want to play that wonderful game again, bought Zodiac Age and I want to take my time and maybe play with guide to get every treasure, every quest, every monster etc. Final Fantasy X Remaster Gameplay Walkthrough PS5 Xbox Series X PC Switch No Commentary 2160p 60fps HD let's play playthrough review guide Showcasing all cut May 5, 2004 路 Final Fantasy X-2 100% Guide. 65 luck - With boosts, gives you 100% accuracy against everyone but Dark Mindy. Moving on to the freeway, a little past the half Bienvenidos a mi serie completa de Final Fantasy VII Rebirth en PC a máxima calidad gráfica. Additionally, these are based off the international releases, made just after their original releases - basically, they're expansions of the originals, but still were released on May 15, 2024 路 Empezamos con la batalla contra YUNALESCA en el que os enseño 2 maneras de ganarle sin necesidad de entrenar relativamente sencillas ni teniendo equipamiento Mar 1, 2014 路 En las Ruinas Omega aparece un monstruo llamado Mímico que va acompañado de un Saurio. The crown denotes 100%. This Guide Was Created Sometimes After The Release Of Final Fantasy X-2 Ultimania. The basic pages are intended to cover the earlier aspects of the game for those that have not played Final Fantasy X before whereas the advanced pages are intended to cover aspects of the game that may only be needed if you intend to complete all of the end game content. Llega un viejo amigo para un Nov 28, 2003 路 Better Yet, Why Are You Even Playing Their Game? -- Is This Copied From BradyGames' Final Fantasy X-2 Official Strategy Guide? -- - No. com/boards/643146-final-fantasy-x-x-2-hd-remaster/69046716This Let's play includes:- 100% story completion in X Potion: Restaura todo el HP Elixir: Restaura el HP y el MP de un objetivo. Also notable, it was the first to introduce an official sequel, Final Fantasy X-2. Jul 31, 2021 路 Taking the table above as example, enter the important rooms: Room 1: Chest with Phoenix Down [14/249] Room 2: Empty Room 3: Empty Room 4: Chest with 1045 Gil [15/249] Room 5: Chest with Copper Armlet [16/249] Guia Final fantasy X 2 HD Remaster | Capitulo 1 - El comienzo¡Muy buenas a todos y bienvenidos a Final fantasy X-2 HD Remaster!Comenzaremos hoy con esta seri Nov 13, 2003 路 BradyGames' FINAL FANTASY X-2 Official Strategy Guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough, which shows how to complete every mission and trigger every scene. Jul 24, 2023 路 Siguiendo esta lista de reproducción obtendrás todo lo necesario para obtener el platino al final del juego. Guía completa de Final Fantasy X para la versión de Pc (Steam) intentando conseguir todos los secretos y todos los trofeos disponibles del juego, hay muchas Isaaru's: Ifrit - 8000 HP - 0 AP Valfor - 12000 HP - 0 AP - Bahamut - 20000 HP - 6000 AP: No podrás robar nada Para matar a Ifrit usa a Shiva con su magia fuego+ ya que los ataques y overdrive de Ifrit no te harán nada, tan solo golpéalo hasta que muera y si tienes el overdrive de Shiva recargado úsalo pero en mi caso yo los dejé recargados para matar a Bahamut, ten en cuenta que si a tus A Guide to help you earn the Platinum trophy for the RPG classic, Final Fantasy X HD Remaster. Capture Create Guide by KADFC PS2. 1). Há dois baús aqui, o primeiro contendo 600 gil e o segundo a Tidal Spear . The pages below are broken up in to two different sections: the basics section and the advanced section. En esta guía completa al 100%, exploraremos todos los secreto The memorable Final Fantasy X games are finally coming to the Nintendo Switch, bundling Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2 in a special HD remastered version. Unlike other recent games in the series, Final Fantasy X uses a turn-based battle system, with each action having a different recovery time, affecting how long it takes for the unit to get their next turn. Mar 18, 2014 路 This is the definitive Guide for Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster! Comprehensive Walkthrough for all versions, Illustrated maps, Full coverage of all Side Quests, Complete Mini-Game coverage, Creature Creator strategy, Game Secrets, the Most Powerful Weapons, and Full enemy data, Everything you need for 100% Game Completion! Sep 2, 2021 路 How to Achieve 100% Completion in Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remaster. Cruza el puente y habla con lo que queda de los legionarios. Nombre: Yenke Ronso Localización: Mt. Ether: Restaura 100 MP. FF1 kicks off many of the tropes that are still used in the series today - but it also of . This fight can actually be a challenge Achievement Unlocked - Seasoned here Reach level 50 - I had to farm a small amount right before the final boss Once ready talk to the NPC in the middle of the room for the final boss fight - Chaos A continuación muévete hacia la Save Sphere Nivel 1 (marcada con un cuadrado blanco en el minimapa). Participa en el foro de Guia Final Fantasy X. gl/vvE6 Final Fantasy VII (FF7, FFVII) 100% Walkthrough. Oct 6, 2024 路 You can see the percentages by going into Abilities then selecting a character. Addeddate 2019-11-22 12:42:51 Identifier guiaoficialfinalfantasyxpiggyback View Final Fantasy X speedruns, leaderboards, forums and more on Speedrun. If I wasn't able to use items here this probably wouldn't ha Welcome to the Final Fantasy X subreddit, for the best game in the series! Ride ze shoopuf? All aboards! Members Online. Gameplay Guides Im going to start a 100% playthrough for FFX-2 soon since I recently picked up the remaster on PS4. This section lists the various enemies that appear in Final Fantasy X. Si estas atascado, si no sabes como derrotar a ese enemigo final, o si sencillamente En este vídeo completamos el TEMPLO de DJOSE, conseguimos su TESORO y a IXION, recorremos el camino RÍO DE LA LUNA, luchamos por segunda ver con BELGEMINE. 625 User Favourites 97 Ratings 247,570 Views. Dec 17, 2001 路 For Final Fantasy X on the PlayStation 2, GameFAQs has 145 guides and walkthroughs. Les choses à ne pas manquer seront marquées en utilisant un code de couleur: Aug 15, 2017 路 Final Fantasy X TIENDA DJOSE Al final del camino, cuando el grupo tome el camino de la derecha, llegarás al templo. No son guías de cómo pasarse un juego, sino una narración de su argumento, haciendo especial hincapié en las conversaciones.