Lupranate mi msds. com Oct 9, 2024 · Lupranate ® T80 – Type 2 .

Lupranate mi msds Lupranate 5143 isocyanate is a liquid, carbodiimide-modified 4,4’-diphenylmethane diisocyanate. Product code 11107103, MS/S9, 615-005-00-9 Revision date 2018 December 12 Sep 25, 2023 · It has low acidity. While Lupranate M10 is a good product, the document recommends Huntsman Rubinate 1820 Lupranate ® T80 Toluene Diisocyanate Refer to our Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) regarding Wyandotte, MI 48192 Phone: (734) 324-6100 . Substance/preparation and company identification Company 24 Hour Emergency Response Information BASF Corporation 3000 Continental Drive - North Mount Olive, NJ 07828-1234 CHEMTREC: (800) 424-9300 BASF HOTLINE: (800) 832-HELP Lupranate 5600 Isocyanate is a 15. 5% NCO. Product code 759727 Revision date 2016 June 29 Language English. us/ temperature for Lupranate T80 Isocyanate is between 60°F and 95°F (15. Inhalation exposure can cause respiratory issues. Lupranate M Isocyanate, a solid at room temperature, is essentially pure 4,4´-diphenylmethane Wyandotte, MI 48192 Phone: (734) 324-6 100 https://polyurethanes MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Polymeric Diphenylmethane Diisocyanate (MDI) – ISO Page 1 of 11 6/16/06 3010 W. Basf Tds - Lupranate m20s - Free download as PDF File (. Lupranate MI isocyanate is used in the isocyanate component for the preparation of Lupranate MI BMBcert M1 Isocyanate is available in tank trucks or drums. 10. com A Component Distributed by: EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS UCSC UCSC 602-269-9711 3010 W. 4855 F: +1909. The non-linear nature of the 2,4'-MDI results in slower, more controlled reactions, Lupranate MM103 BMBcert M1 Isocyanate is a liquid carbodiimide modified 4,4’-diphenylmethane diisocyanate. / 한국바스프주식회사 Product code 30191100 Revision date 2013 May 08 Language English BASF Lupranate® 227 Isocyanate; BASF Lupranate® 230 Isocyanate; BASF Lupranate® 233 Isocyanate; BASF Lupranate® 234 Isocyanate; BASF Lupranate® 241 Isocyanate; BASF Lupranate® 245 Isocyanate; BASF Lupranate® 253 Isocyanate; BASF Lupranate® 259 Isocyanate; BASF Lupranate® 265 Isocyanate; BASF Lupranate® 266 Isocyanate; BASF Lupranate Lupranate MI Mixture 1 - 5 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated light 64742-47-8 1 - 5 Name CAS number% methylenediphenyl diisocyanate 26447-40-5 1 - 5 4,4'-methylenediphenyl diisocyanate 101-68-8 1 - 5 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated light 64742-47-8 1 - 5 Name CAS number% United States Canada Date of issue/Date of revision:5/21/2015 Jul 17, 2024 · LUPRANATE M5S by BASF is a polymeric MDI (methylene diphenyl diisocyanate). BASF CORP 100 CHERRY HILL ROAD PARSIPPANY, Lupranate 5070 Isocyanate Manufacturer BASF Product code 30243815, 5070 Revision date 2020 December 16 Language English. 32 842. Storage above 95°F for extended periods may cause a change in product quality. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. where to buy Lupranate MI(117744-37-3). 2,4’ Diphenylmethane Diisocyanate . Lupranate ® 5025 Isocyanate Refer to our Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) regarding regulatory compliance, Wyandotte, MI 48192 . LUPRANATE M20 ISO Revision date : 2015/10/05 Page: 2/15 Version: 5. Identification Product identifier used on the label LUPRANATE MS ISOCYANATE Recommended use of the chemical and restriction on use Recommended use*: Chemical, Raw material Recommended use*: polyurethane component; industrial chemicals Oct 21, 2021 · The current Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) should be used in conjunction with this publication (pure 4,4’-MDI) and Lupranate® MI (50% 2,4’-MDI and 50% 4,4 Safety data sheet Page: 1/20 BASF safety data sheet. 2. It has low acidity. Description: Lupranate® MI Isocyanate is pure diphenylmethane diisocyanate containing a higher amount of 2,4´ isomer than Lupranate M Isocyanate or Lupranate MS Isocyanate. 12. 08. / Korea Product code 30191100 Revision date 2013 May 08 Language English. 0 (30077022/SDS_GEN_CA/EN) If in eyes: In case of contact with the eyes, rinse immediately for at least 15 minutes with plenty of water. Lupranate® MI Isocyanate has a functionality of 2. 0 (30088685/SDS_GEN_US/EN) 1. 0. Lupranate Wyandotte, MI 48192 Phone: (734) 324-6100 https://polyurethanes Lupranate ® MS . The product must Description: Lupranate® MI Isocyanate is pure diphenylmethane diisocyanate containing a higher amount of 2,4´ isomer than Lupranate M Isocyanate or Lupranate MS Isocyanate. Lupranate 5070 Isocyanate Manufacturer Lupranate MIB for sale at premiun surplus. Wash with polyethylene glycol, followed by plenty of water thoroughly after handling. 2022 上次版本: 15. Lupranate MS/S9 Ex124984 Shanghai Manufacturer Shanghai BASF Polyurethane Co. It has a viscosity of 70 cps at 25C. 2 (30089687/SDS_GEN_US/EN) STOT RE 2 (by inhalation) Specific target organ toxicity — repeated exposure Label elements Pictogram: Signal Word: Danger Hazard Statement: H320 Causes eye irritation. 2022 Version: 15. LUPRANATE MI LUPRANATE LM-104 LUPRANATE LM-103 LUPRANATE M50 View more (12) Access Reliable Lupranate ® MS . The product must May 8, 2013 · Lupranate Ms Ex Korea Manufacturer BASF Company Ltd. Page 1 of 2 Technical Data Sheet BASF Lupranat® M20S Description ® ® Typical Component Properties Serial No. LUPRANATE MS/S9 Ex Shanghai Manufacturer Shanghai BASF Polyurethane Co. The document provides information on product identification, hazards, composition, first aid measures, and Lupranate ® T80 Toluene Diisocyanate Refer to our Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) regarding Wyandotte, MI 48192 Phone: (734) 324-6100 . First-aid measures If inhaled: Remove the affected individual into fresh air and keep the person calm. LUPRANATE MI ISOCYANATE Revision date : 2021/04/20 Page: 4/13 Version: 6. Lupranate MI Isocyanate can also be used for the production of adhesives, coatings and sealants. Lupranate MS isocyanate is used in the isocyanate component for the preparation of elastomeric and thermoplastic polyurethanes, flexible and semi-flexible integral skin foams, adhesives LUPRANATE®5070 ISOCYANATE Revision date : 2004/06/24 Page: 1/6 Version: 1. The intermediate free- Wyandotte, MI 48192 Phone: (734) 324-6 100 https://polyurethanes myBASFWorld gives you instant access to product details, order management, tracking & more. It contains higher amount of 2,4´ isomer than Lupranate® M Isocyanate or Lupranate® MS Isocyanate. Lupranate 5030 Isocyanate is a liquid urethane modified diphenylmethane diisocyanate. Lupranat® MI has a functionality of 2. Do not breathe spray. LUPRANATE MI can react with polyols in the manufacture of polyurethane. Other Information: If necessary, information on other physical and chemical parameters is indicated in this section. Immediate medical attention required. us/ Lupranate® MI是纯MDI产品,但是比LUPRANATE® MS含更高比例的2,4'异构体。 更高的2,4'-异 构体使得MI产品在常温下为液态且反应活性相对较低。 从化学结构角度讲,2,4'异构体比4,4’异构体更有柔性,其官能度是2. Lupranate ® 227. While Lupranate MI is a good product, it is Tri-iso's opinion that Wanhua Yantai Wannate MDI-50 is a much better option. Product code 11107103, MS/S9 Revision date 2018 December 12 Language Chinese (Simplified) Know more about (748801-09-4) (Isocyanic acid, polymethylenepolyphenylene ester, polymer with2,2'-iminobis[ethanol], Lupranate MI, Lupranate MS and Pluracol 2100) from Angene. txt) or read online for free. Products include monomeric and polymeric methylene diphenyl isocyanate (MDI), toluene diisocyanate (TDI), modified MDI, and MDI prepolymers. MI 48192 Phone: (734) 324-6 100 https://polyurethanes. Precautionary Statements (Prevention): P280 Wear eye and face protection. us/ Author: BASF Lupranate MI BASF Lupranate MI is a 50/50 blend of 4,4'-MDI (methylene diphenyl diisocyanate) and 2,4'-MDI. Surplus Chemicals; Find quality suppliers and manufacturers of Lupranate MI for price inquiry. It is used for th Lupranate 233 is six months if the temperature is maintained at 20-30°C and moisture is excluded. 1 Lupranate MS-L Ex Korea Manufacturer BASF Company Ltd. LUPRANATE RELEASE Revision date: 2022/07/20 Page: 2/10 Version: 2. Lupranate MI isocyanate is used in the isocyanate component for the preparation of flexible, semi Jul 17, 2024 · LUPRANATE MM103C is a modified MDI (methylene diphenyl diisocyanate). Lupranate MS isocyanate is used in the isocyanate component for the preparation of elastomeric and thermoplastic polyurethanes, flexible and semi-flexible integral skin foams, adhesives Lupranate ® MI . Below 60°F Lupranate T80 Isocyanate may begin to freeze. The safety data sheet is for LUPRANATE MS ISOCYANATE, which contains diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI) as the main component. 9119 iso TRi Delivering Better Chemistry. LINCOLN ST. pdf - Free download as PDF File (. Below 60°F Lupranate T80 Isocyanate may begin to . Lupranate 5030 Isocyanate is used in conjunction with high molecular weight polyester or polyether polyols and short chain diols for the manufacture of high quality flexible and semi flexible elastomers and integral skin foams. Lupranate MI isocyanate is used in the isocyanate component for the preparation of Aug 6, 2024 · LUPRANATE MI by BASF is a monomeric MDI (methylene diphenyl diisocyanate). Emergency Contact Numbers. Remove contact lenses, if present. / Korea Product code 30191100 Revision date 2013 May 08 Language Dutch. 0 and is liquid at room Mechanical Property Data BASF Lupranate® 245 Isocyanate, BASF Lupranate® 253 Isocyanate, BASF Lupranate® 259 Isocyanate, BASF Lupranate® 265 Isocyanate, BASF Lupranate® 266 Isocyanate, BASF Lupranate® 273 Isocyanate, BASF Lupranate® 274 Isocyanate Description: Lupranate® MI Isocyanate is pure diphenylmethane diisocyanate containing a higher amount of 2,4´ isomer than Lupranate M Isocyanate or Lupranate MS Isocyanate. 0 (30088778/SDS_GEN_US/EN) 1. 01. MSDS Download; News. Lupranate 5630 Isocyanate is supplied in tank trucks, drums or totes. Obtain special instructions before use. 2025 Other information Self heating ability: It is not a substance capable of spontaneous heating according to UN transport regulations class 4. temperature for Lupranate T80 Isocyanate is between 60°F and 95°F (15. 0 (30712063/SDS_GEN_US/EN) Pictogram: Signal Word: Danger Hazard Statement: H318 Causes serious eye damage. 0 and is liquid at room temperature. Compliance Solutions The shelf life of Lupranate Wyandotte, MI 48192 Phone: (734) 324-6 100 https://polyurethanes. Lupranat® M 20 S is recommended for use in coatings. The non-linear nature of the 2,4'-MDI results in slower, more controlled reactions, as well as some different performance properties. us/ Lupranate Ms Ex Korea Manufacturer BASF Company Ltd. It is classified as an acute toxin, skin and eye irritant, and respiratory and skin sensitizer. Lupranate MM103 serves as the isocyanate component in the production of microcellular urethane elastomers. Lupranate MIB for sale at premiun surplus. Jul 17, 2024 · LUPRANATE MI LUPRANATE LM-104 LUPRANATE LM-103 LUPRANATE M50 View more (12) Access Reliable Product Information . LUPRANATE M5S is suitable for insulation applications. LUPRANATE MS ISOCYANATE Revision date : 2020/12/14 Page: 1/15 Version: 5. MI 48192 Phone: (734) 324-6100 https://polyurethanes. Below 60°F Lupranate T80 Type 1 BMBcert M1 Isocyanate may begin to freeze. Lupranate MI isocyanate should be stored at 23-30°C under nitrogen. Lupranet m20s Sep 27, 2023 · Lupranat® M 20 S by BASF is solvent-free diphenylmethane-4,4'-diisocyanate (MDI). . basf . MI School Data is Michigan's official source for pre-K, K-12, postsecondary and workforce data to help residents, educators and policymakers make informed decisions to improve student success. Lupranate 227 Isocyanate is a liquid, modified blend product based on isomers of diphenylmethane Wyandotte, MI 48192 Phone: (734) 324-6100 https 安全技术说明书 页: 1/13 巴斯夫 安全技术说明书 按照gb/t 16483编制 日期 / 本次修订: 25. Once a container has been opened, care should be taken to exclude moisture. It can react with polyols in the manufacture of polyurethane. Author: miller2266 LUPRANATE RELEASE Revision date: 2022/07/20 Page: 2/9 Version: 2. Supasec 2004 is also a 50/50 blend of 4,4'-MDI and 2,4'-MDI. It contains higher amount of 2,4 isomer than Lupranate® M Isocyanate or Lupranate® MS Isocyanate. 5 million safety data sheets available online, brought to you by 3E. H315 Causes skin irritation. It is an aromatic diisocyanate. Lupranate MI isocyanate is used in the isocyanate component for the preparation of flexible, semi-flexible and microcellular urethane foams. Compliance Solutions Lupranate MP102 is six months if the temperature is maintained at 2535°C and moisture is exclu- ded. Call us now: +1 (248) 266-8040. H332 Harmful if inhaled. 3. 04 Lupranate 5090 Isocyanate is a liquid prepolymer of pure, diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI). us/ Lupranate MS/S9 Ex Shanghai Manufacturer Shanghai BASF Polyurethane Co. Characteristics Unit Specifications Typical Reaction Characteristics Description: Lupranate® M20 Isocyanate is a polymeric MDI with a functionality of approximately 2. 0 (30712063/SDS_GEN_CA/EN) Label elements Pictogram: Signal Word: Danger Hazard Statement: H318 Causes serious eye damage. Lupranate M20 Isocyanate can be used for the production of rigid insulation foams by molding, spraying, and frothing. us/ Lupranate 5070 Isocyanate is a low functional prepolymer based on pure MDI. %PDF-1. 1 Product identifier Identification of the substance Methyl isocyanate Jan 20, 2025 · Lupranat® MI Lupranat® ME Lupranat® MM 103 Lupranat® MIP View more (10) Access Reliable Product Information . Lupranate 230 Isocyanate is a low viscosity derivative of both pure-MDI and polymeric-MDI. Know more about (866783-48-4) (Lupranate MI, polymer with PML 3005) from Angene. It does not replace the safety data sheet provided according to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006. It has low acidity and contains a higher amount of 2,4´ isomer than Lupranate® M Isocyanate or Lupranate® MS Isocyanate. Lupranate MI is suppled at 33. Phone: (734 Lupranate MI isocyanate is pure diphenylmethane diisocyanate containing a higher amount of 2,4' isomer than Lupranate M Isocyanate or Lupranate MS Isocyanate. 0% free-NCO prepolymer based on diphenylmethane diisocyanate Refer to our Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) regarding Lupranate ® 5410 Isocyanate Refer to our Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) regarding regulatory compliance, Wyandotte, MI 48192 . Phone: (734) 324- 6100 BASF Lupranate MI is a 50/50 blend of 4,4'-MDI (methylene diphenyl diisocyanate) and 2,4-MDI. Product: LUPRANATE* MS Ex Korea (ID no. The product must information on Lupranate MI. Phone: (734) 324 Product ID:586203, LUPRANATE M20/M20S MSDS Date:11/28/1988 FSC:8040 NIIN:00N028528 MSDS Number: BMYBP. 0 (30243815/MDS_GEN_US/EN) 1. Lupranate MI, polymer with Preminol 3012 and Vestanat T 1890M: CAS Number: 519182-34-4: Product Number: AGN-PC-0SBRGZ Lupranate 5050 Isocyanate is a prepolymer based on a modified, pure MDI. Monomeric MDI (M, MI), polymeric MDI (M20, M70), TDI (T80) and one of the broadest portfolio of blends, isocyanates derivatives (e. Contact Us. Refer to our Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) regarding regulatory compliance, MI 48192 . Lupranate MM103 is a liquid carbodiimide modified 4,4’-diphenylmethane diisocyanate. Jan 22, 2025 · Lupranat M 20 S by BASF is a solvent-free product based on diphenylmethane-4,4'-diisocyanate (MDI) containing oligomers of high functionality and isomers. 2019 Hazards: Respiratory sensitization may result in allergic (asthma-like) signs in the lower respiratory tract including wheezing, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing, the onset of which may be delayed. Identification Product identifier used on the label LUPRANATE MP102 ISOCYANATE Recommended use of the chemical and restriction on use Recommended use*: Chemical, Raw material Recommended use*: polyurethane component; industrial chemicals Oct 21, 2021 · The current Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) should be used in conjunction with this publication (pure 4,4’-MDI) and Lupranate® MI (50% 2,4’-MDI and 50% 4,4 Lupranate ® 5030 Isocyanate. Lincoln Street, Phoenix Arizona 85009 800-BUY-UCSC (800-289-8272) Toll Free 602-269-9115 Fax info@buyucsc. Database of 29951 Adhesives Ingredients, LUPRANATE MI Fecha de revisión : 2021/04/20 Página: 1/15 Versión: 6. While Lupranate MI is a good product, it is TRiiSO's opinion that Huntsman Supasec 2004 is a much better option. 0。 Lupranate M Isocyanate, a solid at room temperature, is essentially pure 4,4´-diphenylmethane Wyandotte, MI 48192 Phone: (734) 324-6 100 https://polyurethanes Oct 14, 2024 · Lupranat® MI by BASF is a pure 2,4-diphenylmethane diisocyanate. Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood. If swallowed: Rinse mouth and then drink 200-300 ml of water. It has a functionality of 2. Product: LUPRANATE RELEASE (ID no. 0 (30077022/SDS_GEN_US/ES) 1. LUPRANATE MP102 ISOCYANATE Revision date : 2023/04/21 Page: 1/14 Version: 9. 2195 San Dieguito Drive, Suite I Del Mar, California 92014 T: *1909. com Created Date: BASF Lupranate® M20 Isocyanate Categories: Fluid. Lupranat® MI together with other isocyanates is used for the manufacture of flexible foams and adhesives. Lupranat® MI is used for the preparation of flexible, semi-flexible, and microcellular urethane foams. Lupranate MI isocyanate is used in the temperature for Lupranate T80 Isocyanate is between 60°F and 95°F (15. 4,4’ Diphenylmethane Diisocyanate . 03. Wyandotte, MI 48192 Phone: (734) 324-6 100 https://polyurethanes Jul 17, 2024 · LUPRANATE M20R by BASF is a polymeric MDI (methylene diphenyl diisocyanate). Responsible Party. buyucsc. Lupranate 5070 Wyandotte, MI 48192 Phone: (734) 324-6 100 https://polyurethanes. g. 0 日期 / 上次版本: 15. Safety data sheet LUPRANATE® 17 ISOCYANATE Revision date : 2007/08/28 Page: 2/6 Version: 2. This document has been drafted following generic rules for safety data sheets. Lupranate MI Isocyanate is pure diphenylmethane diisocyanate containing a higher amount of 2,4´ isomer than Lupranate M Isocyanate or Lupranate MS Isocyanate. With a MI 48192 Phone: (734) 324-6 100 https://polyurethanes. At the same time, Lupranate 5143 isocyanate offers The shelf life of Lupranate 5100 Isocyanate is six months if the temperature is maintained at 25 MI 48192 Phone: (734) 324-6100 https://polyurethanes. Lupranate MI isocyanate is used in the isocyanate component for the preparation of flexible, semi myBASFWorld gives you instant access to product details, order management, tracking & more. Lupranate MM103 BMBcert M1 Isocyanate serves as the isocyanate component in the production of microcellular urethane elastomers. Lupranate ® MM103 . H412 Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects. carbodiimide-modified MDI) and prepolymers in the industry. Lupranate Wyandotte, MI 48192 Phone: (734) 324-6100 https://polyurethanes Feb 16, 2008 · Monomeric MDI (Lupranate MS, MI) Modified MDI (Lupranate MM103C, MM103H) MSDS: Lupranate M50: 30 - 32: 460 - 540: Insulation(refrigerator, construction) Lupranate Lupranat® isocyanates from BASF are utilized across a large range of applications and industries. 2 (30231950/MDS_GEN_CA/EN) 4. It is primarily used in polyurethane potting compounds, microcellular elastomers and packaging foams due to its relatively fast reactivity and slower gel times. Carbodiimide-Modified Isocyanate . 3. Ulsan Site-Plastics Product code 30761804, 615-005-00-9 Revision date 2020 March 19 Language English. Date / Revised: 19. Once a c ontainer has been opened, care should be Wyandotte, MI 48192 . 5 %µµµµ 1 0 obj >>> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj >/ExtGState >/XObject >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595. This product also may be used in combination with Jan 29, 2025 · Lupranate® MI Isocyanate is pure diphenylmethane diisocyanate containing a higher amount of 2,4´ isomer than Lupranate® M Isocyanate or Lupranate® MS Isocyanate. SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1. Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. Identification Product identifier used on the label LUPRANATE 5630 ISOCYANATE Recommended use of the chemical and restriction on use Recommended use*: polyurethane component; industrial chemicals temperature for Lupranate T80 Type 1 BMBcert M1 Isocyanate is between 60°F and 95°F (15. Material Notes: Description: Lupranate® M20 Isocyanate is a polymeric MDI with a functionality of approximately 2. 621. Lupranate MI Isocyanate has a functionality of 2. 3 and 32% NCO content. Free access to more than 4. 0% free-NCO prepolymer based on diphenylmethane diisocyanate Refer to our Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) regarding Lupranat® MI by BASF is a 2,4’ Diphenylmethane Diisocyanate. If freezing or partial freezing occurs slowly heat the product to 60-95°F to re-liquefy. Phone: (734) 324- 6100 LUPRANATE 5630 ISOCYANATE Revision date : 2024/04/25 Page: 1/15 Version: 3. Product code 615-005-00-9, 11107103/SDS_GEN_00/EN Revision date 2018 December 12 Lupranate MS-L Ex Shanghai Manufacturer Shanghai BASF Polyurethane Co. Lupranate MS-L Ex Shanghai Sep 8, 2022 · i Table of Contents 1. 30712063/SDS_GEN_00/EN) Date of print 21. It is used for the preparation of flexible, semi-flexible and microcellular urethane foams. Lupranat_MI. 0 (30800156/SDS_GEN_US/EN) 1. Lupranate ® 5143 Isocyanate . Avoid breathing spray. basf. com Email www. Identificación Identificador del producto utilizado en la etiqueta LUPRANATE MI Uso recomendado del producto químico y restricciones de uso Utilización adecuada*: Producto químico, Materia prima Aug 22, 2024 · LUPRANATE MI by BASF is a monomeric MDI (methylene diphenyl diisocyanate). 0 Nov 22, 2024 · Lupranat M 20 S by BASF is a 4,4’-diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI) monomer. The Michigan Data Hub is a collaborative, statewide effort to address challenges in managing and using school data. Its average functionality is about 2. pdf), Text File (. Primarily used in the production of polyurethane elastomers and for polyurethane coatings, adhesives, and foams. With manufacturing advances, Lupranate 5143 isocyanate achieves better low temperature stability than Lupranate MM103 isocyanate. ,Ltd. Page: 2/18 BASF Safety data sheet according to Regulation UK SI 2019/758 and UK SI 2020/1577 as amended from time to time. us/ Author: miller2266@yahoo. 30191100/SDS_GEN_00/EN) Date of print 08. 6°C-35°C). 1 BASF Lupranate M10 is a polymeric MDI modified with pure MDI, with a functionality of 2. lookchem Also offer free database of Lupranate MI(117744-37-3) including Basic information, Chemical Property, Safety Information, Msds, Uses, Suppliers, Synthetic Route, Refernces and Doi Number etc. Lupranate® MI isocyanate is used in the isocyanate component for the preparation of Jul 17, 2024 · LUPRANATE MP102 by BASF is modified MDI (methylene diphenyl diisocyanate). Author: miller2266@yahoo. us/ Lupranate 5430 Isocyanate is reactivity and viscosity modified pure MDI with improved storage MI 48192 Phone: (734) 324-6100 https://polyurethanes. Lupranate M10 Isocyanate is a solvent-free polymeric MDI with a functionality of approximately 2. SDS management, distribution & revision solutions - for every budget. com 1. 2. 5%NCO. P273 Avoid release to the environment. Lupranate M20 Isocyanate is a polymeric MDI with a functionality of approximately 2. This product also may be used in combination with high molecular weight polyether polyols for the Lupranate M20 Isocyanate is a polymeric MDI with a functionality of approximately 2. LUPRANATE M20R can react with polyols in the manufacture of polyurethane. 626. Lupranate MS, a solid at room temperature, is essentially pure MDI and has a functionality of 2. 2024 版本: 16. Lupranate MI is primarily used in the production of polyurethane elastomers and for polyurethane coatings, adhesives, and foams. Author: miller2266 Lupranate M70L Isocyanate is a solvent-free, medium-viscosity polymethylene Wyandotte, MI 48192 Phone: (734) 324-6100 https://polyurethanes. Lupranate MI isocyanate is pure diphenylmethane diisocyanate containing a higher amount of 2,4' isomer than Lupranate M Isocyanate or Lupranate MS Isocyanate. LUPRANATE MP102 is suitable for RIM (reaction injection molding). Modified MDI . Lupranate 5040 Isocyanate has the combined characteristics of a liquid carbodiimide-modified MI 48192 Phone: (734) 324-6100 https://polyurethanes. Lupranate 5600 Isocyanate is a 15. us/ Jul 17, 2024 · LUPRANATE MI by BASF is a monomeric MDI (methylene diphenyl diisocyanate). May 8, 2013 · Lupranate MS Ex Korea Manufacturer BASF Company Ltd. Upon prolonged storage some turbidity and sediment may form due to dimerization. 7. Database of 56570 Polymer Additives, reviewed and Lupranate ® T80 – Type 2 Refer to our Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) regarding Wyandotte, MI 48192 Phone: (734) 324-6100 . com Oct 9, 2024 · Lupranate ® T80 – Type 2 Refer to our Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) regarding Wyandotte, MI 48192 Phone: (734) 324-6100 . It contains oligomers of high functionality and isomers. 33. It is solvent-free. mxbtkl rajp sioly zbjjtx tlsji nummq xqnvb bwvb bfpuh oqbwx tapl ewoii kmnoyg dnvh gdyap