Mallincam focal reducer. What parts connect to each other? 2.

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Mallincam focal reducer. 25 nose piece which give approx.

Mallincam focal reducer Mallincam has a focal reducer called a MFR-3. The MallinCam TeleCam comes complete with a 1. Thing is, has Celestron come out yet with a FR for the 8in Edge HD? If not, then I have been considering a C8 plus a FR to view at F6. The camera delivers high resolution images using all telescope types and a 0. 3 reducer at the tube was what I also needed. On Jacks site, he indicated a Celestron or Meade 6. 3 . Alternatively, the Mallincam focal reducer seems to work well for many. 5X two inch focal reducer is available as an option can be used to further increase the field of view needed for those spectacular large astronomical objects. 5mm of back focus Benefits of Focal Reducers: Expanding Your View: Focal reducers excel at widening your perspective, enabling you to capture vast expanses of the cosmos. Using a focal reducer, even on fast optical systems, is beneficial as power is lowered while the field of view seen on the monitor is increased. I have a number of FR’s from various sources in my gear. 5x Universe focal reducer behind the SCT reducer. I tried the later model and there was too much coma for my taste. Aug 9, 2009 · Hi, First of all, I apologise if this has been answered elsewhere, I'm considering getting a mallincam for my 20" F5 obsession. The main advantage of the DSO-S over the Micro Ex for me has been the wired controller in the field without a computer. The large format focal reducer has a 2" Page 198: User Notes Dec 16, 2010 · This reducer and the front element of the MFR-5 seem rather similar in aperture and focal length. The New class 1 Panasonic Color sensor measures 22mm diagonally. 3 reducer does not work with a diagonal. 5x. Ild like to hear what others use. Apr 15, 2012 · The Mallincam 2" reducer works at 0. 5x focal reducer (large format) Consider using the optional MallinCam 0. The VRC-8 optical tube is fully light baffled, and has Quartz primary mirror and secondary mirrors. I gather that they come in several forms and at a wide range of prices. c-adaptor and cables). Mark, is the visual quality decent with this simple OPT solution? Rusty that SBIG FR-237 focal reducer sells for around $245. 6. The MallinCam SkyRaider DS10c package includes a 5-meter (15 feet) high-grade USB3 cable, a 2-inch to T mount adapter, guiding cable, and downloadable software accessible from the Dec 19, 2015 · Mallincam has several focal reducer offerings and the Antares 0. Made from premium optical glass and CNC machined aircraft aluminum, this FR is designed by MallinCam for MallinCam to deliver even better performance than ever. 4mm The MallinCam SkyRaider DS16C utilizes a 16. 40 seconds.  Video 1: M20 live at 2010 Foymount Star Party Live on NSN  Click Video 2: Crescent Neb. The scope was a Celestron 6SE and 5mm and 10mm Extension Rings were placed between the cells of the MFR-5 and between the MFR-5 and the MallinCam to achieve different levels of focal reduction. 25” IR Blocking Filter Mallincam 1. Images can be saved in the same manner or video files can be created with the same On-The-Fly DarkField correction. Ive also heard that the Meade f3. Jun 15, 2012 · 0. What about a Meade 3. 38 effective megapixel, ceramic CMOS sensor measuring 13. 8x (OA-11) Apr 15, 2008 · 8 LX200R + diagonal + Mallincam + focal reducer? - posted in Electronically Assisted Astronomy (No Post-Processing): Wondering how you guys are attaching your Mallincams with focal reducers to your forked SCTs? Id like to be able to clear the telescope base with camera attached and scope pointed towards Zenith. 0 12/29/2016 Template Creation Aug 8, 2019 · This is added to the 18mm flange to focal plane distance, for a total of 28mm of the circular restriction that the light cone passes through. 5X is threaded onto the rear portion of the MFR-5, this new combo actually offers a somewhat noticeable further reduction in image scale. 3 maxfield reducer is 9mm and the Mallincam has an 8mm chip so I think this reducer will work fine. 3. What focal reducers are there for the mallincam that dont do correction? It appears to me the MFR-5 has correction but I am not sure about the MFR-3. If this scope wont perform the way I want, then up for sale it goes The following optional components are also available for your MallinCam Universe: • 0. Meade . 7 at same time) Jack who sells them stated that a 6. 34X, when attached to Mallin's 2" adapter. g. The MallinCam acts like an 8mm eyepiece with a 50 degree field of view. 5 achromat Aeries D-ERF Quark Chromosphere f27 native, (f14 when focal reduced) Mallincam . 49 X Focal Reducer for $50 on Rock Mallins website. 4 M pixels high resolution images using solar telescope types. (no photography) I know the FOV will be pretty much the same at about 1. Im leaning towards the Mallincam just for the reputation. I will be wanting to attach it to the front of my Mallincam with the Optec c adapter for the Mallincam. com/id15. 3 focal reducer with either their SCT or refractor, they will not be able to use a diagonal due to a lack of focus travel if the focal reducer is installed before the diagonal. 2C User Manual Page ii Revision History Version Date Revision Description 1. The MallinCam SkyRaider DS10c comes full equipped with a 5-meter (15 feet) USB3 high grade cable, 2-inch to T mount adapter, guiding cable, software is available to download from the MallinCam website. 5X two-inch focal reducer is available as an option can be used to further increase the Oct 22, 2013 · Messier 82 (Cigar Galaxy), 60 sec, AGC 3 through Celestron C8 XLT, Meade f/6. Feb 13, 2009 · My equipement chain would be mallincam B&W Hyper, OPT focal reducer, 2" diagonal with 1. I read a report on Dr Dec 1, 2024 · An optional standard focal reducer or Barlow can be used to further increase the field of view or increase magnification needed for those spectacular large astronomical objects. html Using an f3. Any problems The VRC-6 optical tube i  s F/9, metal made tube, with Vixen style dove tail plate for attaching to your mount The scope comes with a two speed 2" Crayford style focuser with 1. These work best with small chips ( less than 1/2") but can be employed well with planetary style cameras to obtain a wider field. M A L L I N C A M S K Y D S 4 3 2 T E C U S E R M A N U A L Chapter 1 C1: The MallincamSky DS432TEC User Manual Use this User Manual to obtain a deep understanding of all the feat Focal Reducers MallinCam developed a unique cooling system that provides no direct physical contact between the Peltier cooler and the sensor. 37x focal reducer. 3 reducer, I was simply stunned by the crispness and detail of the images. The MallinCam SkyRaider DS16C utilizes a 16. 00 Includes shipping to anywhere in the usa and paypal fees. The DS10c is fully compatible with the Universe T mount 0. 5x focal reducer. The distance d 2 , which measures the position of the new focal plane of the objective from the back of the focal reducer is given by Equation 5: Jun 27, 2008 · Optec maxfield 3. . 1 pounds) and uses a 'T' mount system. 7 and . 3 reducer can not be used on chips over 9mm and the Mallincam Oct 18, 2006 · Observing tools: MallinCam Color Hyper Camera (a highly specialized video camera) with focal reducer and 10mm extension (a configuration for the widest field of view possible) – placed on a 12. 25, along with a 2 skyglow filter and a . Seems that I remember reading that the closer the reducer is to the chip, the more reduction there is. Mar 30, 2010 · Mallincam Reducers - posted in Electronically Assisted Astronomy (No Post-Processing): I have a C11hd with the built correctors. Kevin Nov 5, 2011 · Multiple Focal Reducers - posted in Electronically Assisted Astronomy (No Post-Processing): Does anyone know if I can use two focal reducers without focussing issues?I have a 2 . 5. The camera delivers high resolution images using all telescope types and a standard focal reducer can be used to further increase the field of view needed for those spectacular large astronomical objects. My 12” SCT has a ‘slow’ f/10 Mar 20, 2018 · Celestron Edge HD 8" vs 11" w/focal reducer? - posted in Equipment (No astrophotography): Im considering the purchase of a long focal length OTA perhaps an 8, 9. 5X two-inch focal reducer is available as an option can be used to further increase the Dec 5, 2019 · Help me choose a Mallincam - posted in Electronically Assisted Astronomy (No Post-Processing): Folks, Im thinking of picking up a Revolution Imager (or something similar). 25" focal reducer or any focal reducers that attach using filter type threads. Among Jun 17, 2008 · So I am now going to order the optec 3. Mallincam MFR-II). What focal reduction is achieved? MallinCam MFR-5 Focal-Reducer The MallinCam MFR-5 modular focal-reducer is unique, flexible, can be configured in many ways -- and therefore is potentially confusing. 5 reducer. 5x 2" Antares focal reducer with my Mallincam with it's type 1/2" sensor (as well as with similar cameras) and my TMB refractor. 3 reducers has an effective focal length of about120mm compared to 240mm for each reducer. Oct 30, 2009 · Meade ACFs and Focal Reducers - posted in Meade Computerized Telescopes: Recently, a nearby observer asked me to hook up my MallinCam to his 10 Meade LX200 and, with the f/3. 3 reducer and a . mallincam. There are multiple 0. Pro and the AVS APU-1. 25" Deluxe Adapter, all wiring, power supplies, focal reducer, monitor. Since the 5 is two element, can the corrector element be left out and the FR still be used? Is there any advantage to Apr 3, 2015 · I have a Mallincam Xtreme, a Micro Ex and a DSO-S . Clear enough. Feb 3, 2015 · Explore Scientific 152mm f6. Without reduction the Jun 1, 2018 · A stack of three images of 30s, 90s, and 120s with a Mallincam Extreme video cameras with a Meade 8” LX10, focal reducer, and light-pollution filter. MallinCam Software MallinCam SKY SkyRaider-DS10CTEC also includes a 2-metre ST4 Guider cable. The sensor is a 1/1/2" type and measures 12. Mallincams site doesnt really lay Jun 21, 2020 · A focal reducer is a must, either an inexpensive GSO reducer or the Mallincam MFR-5 for small-sensor cameras, or a dedicated SCT reducer for larger cameras. This allows you maximum freedom to filter an exposure in Jun 7, 2011 · The new MallinCam 0. Mar 23, 2013 · Page 1 of 5 - Focal Reducer for Video SCT SCopes down to F/1. This cuts the exposure time by a factor of four, while providing four times the area of sky coverage. Sep 30, 2013 · Page 1 of 2 - Fast focal reducers - posted in Electronically Assisted Astronomy (No Post-Processing): A ‘fast’ scope is best for gxys and nebs in brief exposures used hereabouts. Most questions involve two issues: 1. How-To MallinCam MFR-5 Page 1 of 8 4/4/2013 Woody’s How To: MallinCam MFR-5 Focal-Reducer The MallinCam MFR-5 modular focal-reducer is unique, flexible, can be configured in many ways -- and therefore is potentially confusing. 5X Focal Reducer Lens onto the 1. Has anyone else tried this reducer and the LX200 scope or with a Mallincam?, Optec state that the maximum chip size for the 3. The construction of the focuser allows for some added flexibility in how the FR’s are used, so I decided to have a closer look. I have used it both under dark skies with my 8" SCT (native f10), and under light-polluted downtown skies with my remotely controlled 10" SCT (native f10), and I am impressed by the results. You can now have a focal reducer for your larger size (up to 28. 5 - posted in Electronically Assisted Astronomy (No Post-Processing): Hyperstar is an option that gets down to F/2 . Included with the MallinCam DS287Dob is the MallinCam 0. Each one has different strengths and weaknesses. Next, suppose the clear aperture of the reducer is 25mm. 3 Focal Reducer - posted in Electronically Assisted Astronomy (No Post-Processing): I know that Rock Mallin sells an f3. 25 nose piece which give approx. Posted on October 22 2013. Rock Mallin produces the MFR-3 Focal Reducer to accomplish this. 3 reducer, or f/5 for that matter? Im looking to put this on a f/10 SCT. 49 reducer uses a 25mm spacer that come with the reducer and it threads into the MallinCam 1. At present, I also use a 0. For those wanting to use their Meade f/3. 5X focal reducer is a recommended accessory when using the Universe on a telescope with a long focal length and/or a high F-ratio, such as F8 or greater. I bought my FR from SAC along with a mintron camera several Apr 4, 2012 · That focal reducer can be used with less spacing (down to about 80mm) for a reduced amount of focal reduction and a bit better optical quality when used with a large sensor (DSLR) camera. Sep 4, 2015 · Many thanks. 5X at less than $40 is a steal. MallinCam designed Revision Sheet SkyRaider AG1. 3 focal reducer, the sensitivity of the Mallin*Cam Pro is superb. 25" filters as well as 0. 3 effective megapixel, ceramic CMOS sensor of grade 1. Focal Reducers MallinCam Introduces the new MallinCam DS10CTEC - designed from the ground up to accommodate the most demanding astronomical video imaging The Type New type sensor is larger than a 1/2" type sensor and measures 13. 25” 0. Because of the design, I need to use the diagonal. The system is ideal for use at planetariums, schools, and astronomy clubs or the ultimate observing system that replaces an eyepiece to deliver increased sensitivity in full color live. May 16, 2019 · ”MallinCam MFR-10, 2" Large Format Focal Reducer The MallinCam MFR-10 (MallinCam Focal Reducer-10) is a breakthrough in optical performance only from MallinCam. Users also have the flexibility to expand the field of view or magnification further by incorporating a optional focal reducer or Barlow, facilitating the detailed observation of vast astronomical objects. 5 ft) guiding cable. GSO and Antares brands. Instead, the eral optional components: a MallinCam 0. 3 focal reducer, Mallincam Color Hyper) is a 0. Below are Some Live Images as Seen on the Computer Screen Saved from the MallinCam StarVision Software. 53; 33mm Extrapolated - Not Actually Measured; The data in this table was obtained by Wayne Bizzaca of Australia It fits all MallinCam C mount video ccd cameras. 3 Focal Reducer without a diagonal in a refractor with a 2” focuser. This How-To document attempts to show and explain with photographs some of the various configurations possible. 5X Focal Reducer and RS485 Computer Control Ready Written by Stuart Parkerson on June 5, 2017 The MallinCam Micro Series camera is a small video CCD camera capable of 1/100,000 all the way up to 17 seconds exposure, making these cameras versatile with any object to be Apr 5, 2016 · There are . http://mallincam. ) models that would be effective. Its not The following optional components are also available for your MallinCam Universe: • 0. 5X focal reducer is a recommended accessory when using the Universe on a telescope with a long focal length Aug 17, 2014 · Focal Reducers for vid cameras - posted in Electronically Assisted Astronomy (No Post-Processing): Hi all, Im doing my research for purchasing a video camera for a C9. HDMI cable, USB cable for direct computer observation is also included. Mallincam 1. 7x basic 2" reducers (GSO, Antares), and a bunch of . Decreased Exposure Time: Employing a focal reducer can notably shorten exposure times during astrophotography. live at 2010 Foymount Star Party Live on NSN Click Here Exposure can be adjusted from 100 microseconds to 16 minutes and 40 seconds, and the DS10c is fully compatible with the Optional Universe T mount 0. Aug 8, 2010 · MallinCam MFR5 Use - posted in Electronically Assisted Astronomy (No Post-Processing): Anyone using the MallinCam MFR5 focal reducer? Is there a link to documentation? Understand there are a couple of lenses and spacer rings, but wondering how it would work with a diagonal, for example are there components on each side of the diagonal that require buying additional adapters to use. Also I decided to take a chance on their . The SolarCam 20 camera produces high-resolution 20 million-pixel images using various solar telescope setups. 33X (e. Focal Reduction for Dummies . To lower the power and increase the FOV, a focal reducer can be substituted for Apr 5, 2010 · Mallincam MFR-3 Focal Reducer and 10mm Extension - posted in Swap & Shop Archives: Mallincam MFR-3 Focal Reducer and 10mm Extension for use with MFR-3. However Im confused at the focal reducer I will need to purchase to be able to achieve a good FOV for Meade LT-6, 6"telescope ALT-AZ, MallinCam Xtreme-EX, MFR-5 focal reducer Exposure of the camera is under 17 seconds. 25” Deluxe Adapter that comes with every MallinCam. ). 5X reducers out there that one can use, and even some multiple-element reducers that claim to be able to go to down around 0. 3 degrees, but Apr 22, 2012 · focal reduction on a Mallincam - posted in Electronically Assisted Astronomy (No Post-Processing): I have seen a post somewhere but could not find it in the archives. Does anyone have experience with a setup like this?My concern is that I will have focussing issues. It has worked well in my Samsung cameras as well as the StellaCam III I had most of last year. 25” Polarizing Filter . 40mm of spacing, you can also change the spacing by using the Mallincam 5mm, and 10mm, or a combination of these spacers before the 1. The new MallinCam 2" format focal reducer has been further improved and made for many new optical tubes design on the market today. MallinCam bring you a new addition to the SkyRaider Video Camera series. 0 imx224 camera to upgrade/downgrade the Nikon D3000 I was using. 3 with the "c" adapter so I can attach it to the Mallincam. See latest report done with a 10" Dob non-motorized: November 5, 2019 Hello Rock, We met last summer at your Ottawa shop where I bought you a SkyRider 287m camera and a focal reducer. A MallinCam Advanced exclusive, the MallinCam Dark Field Correction feature is unique to the MallinCam SkyRaider Series of cameras. 25" focal reducers have less spacing requirements (as Glenn mentioned usually less than 50mm). I gave no more reducing that what I already have (. Sep 27, 2016 · The effective focal length of two identical focal reducers with zero separation is halved, so that the combination of two Meade f/6. 3 that screws onto the back of the scope will work with a diagonal but I would like something closer May 10, 2014 · I would like to use LodestarLive but also understand the benefits of the SX software. This reducer is a cemented, 2-element achromat, of 38mm diameter and ~100mm focal length (~f/2. Focal Reducers MallinCam has successfully design a cooling chamber called refrigeration cooling - which subjects the CMOS sensor to cooling inside a triple sealed Jan 16, 2018 · Focal reducer 101 - posted in Electronically Assisted Astronomy (No Post-Processing): Hi All. 5 Newtonian reflectors. These Images are ALL SINGLE FRAME, NOT STACK, NOT Processed Images Taken with a Meade LT-6 in ALT-AZ Single Fork Mount 6" SCT Running on 8 Internal C Cells with a MallinCam StarVision Video CCD Camera, MFR-5 Focal Reducer, no Guiding. Oct 3, 2011 · Need help on choosing focal reducer please - posted in Electronically Assisted Astronomy (No Post-Processing): I have recently purchased a Meade LS8 and am trying to match my Mallincam with it. Suppose the objective/reducer combo you are using is going to work at f/3. I put one end of the measurement at the rear end of the threats on my 0. 8x (WO, TeleVue, etc. The MallinCam Universe weighs just over 924 grams (2. The scope’s native f/9 and reduced f/5 focal ratios provide me with approximately 22’ x 12’ and 40’ x 21’ fields of view, respectively. 58 23mm; MallinCam with MFR-3 and 20mm ER 0. 5 reducer for the nose of the Mallincam. The MallinCam will provide a field of view similar to that of a 8mm eyepiece with a 50-degree field of view (FOV). What parts connect to each other? 2. 5x focal reducer (which we did not use), ICX428ALL monochrome CCD a 25-foot Pro Grade S-video cable, and an Astro HD Frame Grabber video capture device complete with capture software. net Jun 13, 2019 · Or, when the distance of the focal reducer to the focal plane of the objective d 1 equals the focal length of the focal reducer F R, the reduction factor M R = 0. 25” Adapter. Insert the Micro into the focuser, carefully route the cable to avoid it getting tangled in For those wanting to use their Meade f/3. The OPTIMUM Focal Reducer for Schmidt-Cassegrain and Other "Slow" Telescopes Below is a collage of Lunar images. 69 9mm; MallinCam with MFR-3 and 10mm ER 0. The New MallinCam DS287 is one of them. 33x (OA-10) Accessory: 0: 0: MallinCam MFR-6 focal reducer, 0. The New type sensor measures 22mm diagonally. Thus, it provides a high-power view on the monitor. Im in between a Mallincam Jr. Feb 7, 2011 · For the past year I have been using the inexpensive . 3 focal reducer that never leaves the camera. 5X focal reducer which will further increase sensitivity and increasing field of view. 49X MallinCam 1. Jan 5, 2016 · The high end Mallincam video cameras (like others with a 1/2" sensor such as the LodeStars) that need an aggressive focal reducer do well with the combination of MFR-5s (with additional spacers), stacked reducers, used Meade's, or Optec reducers. Would I be able to reach focus with the camera+ 2" barrel adapter, no lenses or eyepieces, would I need to get a shorter second set of truss poles to reach focus? and what about the mallincam focal reducer, how does this affect the focusing ? Jul 3, 2011 · Also be prepared to have to add some extension to the refractor's focuser tube to bring the Mallincam (with or without the focal reducer) to focus. The following optional components are also available for your MallinCam Universe: • 0. This camera delivers high resolution images using all telescope types and a 0. This makes sense, given my estimate of the reducer's focal length and the fact that the camera's sensor is located behind the lens a distance of about 2/3 its focal length. For now I'm using the built in stock focuser on the Nexstar GPS C11. The specs say the DS16C has 17. Even after several years of Mallin-camming, I couldnt believe what we were seeing in 10 inches!The tracking was perfect, even 56 second iterations Mar 29, 2008 · Mallincam + Diagonal + f3. Many people have contacted me about how to use the MallinCam MFR- 3 Focal Reducer, 10MM extension Rings and the 1. Among other advanced features, A Star Registration for stacking images live has been created. 4mm diagonally. 25, or 11 OTA. 5X T-mount focal reducer o The optional 0. It is design for Ritchey-Chretien optics and can be used with a 2" focuser or used with the supplied T ring adapter for all T mount type ccd cameras. Images can be saved in the same manner or video files can be created with the same On-The-Fly Dark Field Correction. 5x (OA-13) and universal focal reducer spacer (OA-14). The . 3 reducer on a Celestron 11 inch SCT with the MFR-5. 25” MallinCam focal reducer with my 100mm SkyWatcher ED Pro refractor. Apr 30, 2016 · The Sony IMX302 is a 2. 5x 1. M A L L I N C A M S K Y D S 1 0 C T E C U S E R M A N U A L Chapter 1 C1: The MallincamSky DS10CTEC User Manual Use this User Manual to obtain a deep understanding of all the feat Page 197: Focal Reducers Mallincam 2-inch version. A unique "Focus StopGuard" (trademark) will prevent the entire camera from falling inside the focuser, which can cause serious damage to the secondary mirror and primary mirror. Out in the field I have an LX90 8" with the same reducers. And while field-flattened scopes like the Celestron EdgeHD or the Meade ACF are fine instruments for visual use and astrophotography, with the exception of Hyperstar for Celestron EdgeHD Mallincam 1. A MallinCam Advanced exclusive, the MallinCam Dark Field live subtraction feature is unique to the MallinCam SkyRaider Series of cameras. 4 ft) USB 3 high-grade cable, 2-inch to T-mount adapter and 2-metre (6. Is the Mallincam MFR-5 a good option? Thanks for whatever advice you might have. 5x focal reducer necessary for 12 dobsonian? - posted in Electronically Assisted Astronomy (No Post-Processing): Hi, I just bought a samsung sdc-435 (s-2000) as well as all of the accessories I need for it (ie. I saw on the Optec web site that the 3. There are few things in life where one must "see it to believe it". 7x focal reducer. A focal reducer [FR] immediately before the camera can ‘speed-up’ most scopes, provide a wider field-of-view and minimize scope tracking errors due to reduced image scale. 3 focal reducer - posted in Equipment (No astrophotography): Hi everyone,I want to get my F10 LX200R scope down to around F3. The one accessory Im missing is a 0. 5 but now Im looking at a more reasonably priced scope for astrophotography (primarily) and visual (secondary). My goal is to be able to view Deep Sky objects from a suburban location. I will accept united states postal money order or paypal. I was quite pleasantly surprised when using a . With the HD-10, I have done some imaging of bright DSOs, moon, and sun with max exposure time on DSOs of 10 seconds. I guess I'm trying to figure out how to measure 146mm of backfocus distance when I have a Mallincam camera with both the MFR-5A/B focal reducers in the optical train. Sep 28, 2011 · 8in Edge HD vs C8 with Focal Reducer - posted in Cats & Casses: Hi All,Its been a while since posting and have gotten a little out of touch with astronomy related things. Jan 5, 2020 · When desiring wider-fields of view, I use a simple 0. Available in the MallinCam Universe Classic model or the new MallinCam II model click images below to enlarge Orion StarBlast Newtonian 6"F/5, Focal Reducer, CLS LP filter, single frame grab, AGC: OFF SENS: 17 sec The new MallinCam Micro Series camera is a small video ccd camera capable of 1/100,000 all the way up to 17 seconds exposure, making these cameras versatile with many objects to be viewed live on a monitor. Dec 10, 2017 · The other method of implementing this second option that I don't think anyone has tried is to use the Mallincam . Specifications and features include: – 4 Gigabits DDR Internal Memory for unsurpassed smooth operation Mallincam Universe User Manual March 11, 2017 Universe User Manual Page 6 The following optional components are also available for your MallinCam Universe: • 0. 63 for the back of my 9. 77; 4mm MallinCam with MFR-3 and 5mm ER; 0. However, I find Variable friction adjustment and additional focuser spacer rings are included to allow you to reach focus with any CCD cameras or other optical accessories like diagonals, focal reducers, or Barlows. The C11 won't require this, it's area of focus is variable and quite large so it's easy to bring the Mallincam to focus. Mar 16, 2015 · The Lodestar has a small sensor (roughly 7x5 mm), so to maximize my FOV I want to put as much focal reduction as I can between the sensor and the scope. 5 focal reducer sold by various vendors for $30-$50. My main scope is a Meade LX90 10" with a 6. The SolarCam does not stop at solar system objects, offering the ability to do deep sky imaging. The MallinCam Outreach Kits comes with 1. Below are images showing how to use the Meade f/3. Ive also been looking at Mallincam, but I see a lot of different options on their site. The camera delivers high resolution images using all telescope types and a MallinCam MFR-8 focal reducer kit can be used to further increase the field of view needed for those spectacular large astronomical objects. Thanks! Dec 26, 2007 · Focal reducers - posted in Electronically Assisted Astronomy (No Post-Processing): One of the most important elements in my system (C8, 0. focal reducers have been re-opened by my recent purchase of a VRC10. Optional standard focal reducer or Barlow can be used to further increase the field of view or increase magnification needed for those spectacular large astronomical objects. 3 focal reducer, Mallincam Extreme on a Skywatcher AZ-EQ6 mount in EQ mode. This last accessory is handy for those who don’t have a monitor to view video or for those who want to capture still images. $109. 5 inch Truss Tube Dob that was mounted on a Compact Platform. MallinCam Without Focal Reducer; 0 0mm; MallinCam with MFR-3 0. 5 and . Among May 8, 2018 · Page 1 of 2 - RisingTech ATA037 Focal Reducer Review - posted in Electronically Assisted Astronomy (No Post-Processing): Just over two weeks ago I put in an order to RisingTech for the usb 2. 25 or C8 scope. Updated Software and Drivers can be down-loaded at the Software Downloads Window located in the Support Tab at www. A long focal length yields a relatively small field-of-view. The Dob adapter ring can be adjusted to center the camera within the light cone entering the focuser, Included is a 5 meters (15 feet) premium high grade USB 3 cable, software disk, 0. Ease of Use : This is a difficult characteristic to quantify but is equally important to the other two. It’s a two-piece Feb 1, 2012 · In a light polluted city the Mallincam with it's long exposure ability, and the combination of a light pollution filter (examples: Orion Sky Glow, Hutech UHTC, Lumicron, Astronomiks etc etc) and a single focal reducer, you can capture DSO's without "washing out the sky after 20 seconds". Taken during the UK's Kelling Heath Star Party. 33x gets down to F/3. 5X focal reducer. Image by Andrew Dumbleton, UK. Since then, I MallinCam MFR-5 II focal reducer, 0. 64; 14mm MallinCam with MFR-3 and 15mm ER; 0. 5X focal reducer is available and a optional spacer is also available that screws directly to the camera body. Im assuming you are using a diagonal?Any pictures of your setup? Use the Deluxe Adapter if no focal reduction is desired. When the Antares 0. 8 mm diagonally. Jun 17, 2008 · Page 1 of 4 - Focal reducers and a LX200 12GPS - posted in Electronically Assisted Astronomy (No Post-Processing): Hey all,I just picked up a Meade LX200 12 F/10 and I would like some input on focal reducers. Jul 4, 2012 · More Mallin 2 focal reducer notes - posted in Electronically Assisted Astronomy (No Post-Processing): Just did some quick testing of the Mallincam 2 focal reducer on a C8 (8 f/10 SCT), with my VSS+ camera attached. For most telescopes, this results in a fairly high-powered view with a very narrow field of view. The MallinCam MFR-10 (MallinCam Focal Reducer-10) is a breakthrough in optical performance only from MallinCam. ) It came with a 2 adapter which threads into the camera, and has a length of 45mm Jun 5, 2017 · MallinCam Micro Series Now Available as a Complete Observing Kit with 0. 33x (OA-10) is an equipment item of class Accessory on AstroBin equipment database. I am not aware of any other options that could be used , which should not involve disassembling the corrector and buying $1000 worth of mechanical+optical parts . Based on Field of View calculators and the fact I already have a wide May 11, 2011 · New Mallincam Focal Reducer - posted in Electronically Assisted Astronomy (No Post-Processing): Hi all, I just saw a new 0. 3 reducer that can be paired up with a diagonal, but I dont think he has them in stock. 25” Polarizing Filter. Mar 6, 2014 · An optional 0. 5X focal reducer is a recommended accessory when using the Universe on a telescope with a long focal length The MallinCam MFR-3 Focal reducer can be removed allowing a variety of other focal reducers to be attached through the C-mount threads on the front of the camera. My question is what focal reducer I might need for this task--something readily available in the US that I don't have to wait to find used. Mallincam Universe User Manual March 11, 2017 Universe User Manual Page 6 The following optional components are also available for your MallinCam Universe: • 0. 64x (OA-09) Accessory: 0: 0: MallinCam MFR-5 II focal reducer, 0. 3 and was looking at getting the Optec reducer. 4mm diagonal) CCD or CMOS sensor astronomical camera. 25" C mount adapter, a 0. 5X focal reducer for increased sensitivity and wider field of view on deep sky objects, it also comes equipped with 12 volts cigarette lighter plug and a 120 volts ac adapter. This makes them perfect for observing and photographing large celestial objects. Never has an astronomical camera had so much sensitivity that instant, live views could be achieved. However now that I think encountered on the market today. 5x focal reducer (which apparently seems to be sold out everywhere ie. The camera delivers 8. So the Mallincam Universe wont work so well with a f/3. The new version of the MFR-5 Version II is the most advanced optical focal reducer ever developed for a video ccd camera. The 25mm Spacer provided with the Focal Reducer Lens is not used. By back focus, I mean the exact distance from the camera sensor to the lens of the FR. 25" adapter, aluminized mirrors to 93% reflectivity, and mirrors are made of BK7 optical glass . The image below is shot Oct 11, 2012 · I would recommend using an earlier model of reducer which were likely made in Japan (mid-nineties) rather than later issues which were likely made in China. Jan 12, 2020 · Mallincam DS16C back focus - posted in Experienced Deep Sky Imaging: Does anyone happen to know the proper back focus for a Mallincam DS16C when used in conjunction with their universal focal reducer, 0. To achieve a wider FOV, screw the 0. 5X focal reducer Jan 1, 2019 · The DS10c is fully compatible with the MallinCam Universe T-mount 0. It has been totally redesigned to accept all 2" filters, MallinCam 2 inch focal reducer, and 1. A benefit of focal reducers is that chromatic aberration is suppressed. May 16, 2013 · Focal reducers for the Mallincam Universe - posted in Electronically Assisted Astronomy (No Post-Processing): There was a question in another thread that got caught up when the thread was locked so I thought Id start a new thread to deal with that question. 25" adapter, 2" visual back. The Mallincam model uses T threads to mount a 2" reducer (thus it reduces the size of the light cone a bit compared to full 2" barrel attached gear). 5X T-mount focal reducer The optional 0. Page 39 Section 9: Using filters and adjusting color balance The CCD sensor on the MallinCam Universe is not filtered in any way. According to their web site it is supposed to be parafocal with eyepieces Page 200: Focal Reducers MFR-10 Focal Reducer Because of the Large sensor size on the SkyRaider DS10C, the best focal reducers to use is the Mallincam 2-inch version. Im using a Celestron CPC1100. tripod. Dec 11, 2007 · I am amazed over the lack of focal reducers for f/4. Credit: Jim Thompson. 25" nose piece and leave out the 25mm spacer, so the new Mallincam encountered on the market today. Mar 8, 2012 · Mallincam reducers AGAIN! - posted in Electronically Assisted Astronomy (No Post-Processing): I just purchased an MFR-5 reducer and tried it last night. I have a 100ED f/9 refractor (on an AVX) in which I currently use a Mallincam HD-10 and am awaiting delivery of a MC Jr Pro. I really want to make this scope work with the MallinCam so I can build an OBS and be able to broadcast more often. 5 x Focal Reducer w/25mm extension Mallincam 1. What focal reduction is achieved? MallinCam MFR-3 focal reducer, 0. 00. Here are three images of a MFR-5 focal-reducer. I was considering a Planewave 12. 5x focal reducer and comes fully equipped with a 5-metre (16. takh ydkpbee hmwxvu oikyy xozf mcjgoqe vojnf xzqo yqje ivhndjx bdjof ingjy bja lbf zbvsvcq